Business Chief US and Canada September 2022 | Page 3

FOREWORD Office overhaul


With talent retention and fresh recruitment proving more difficult than ever , the office could just be every CEO ’ s secret weapon

So here ’ s the thing . With more employees working remote or hybrid schedules , the elephant in the room is , actually , the room . What do organisations do with all of that office space ? More importantly , how can that space be adapted to suit a new way of working for a new mindset ?
With talent retention and fresh recruitment proving more difficult than ever , the office could just be every CEO ’ s secret weapon – the special sauce that brings teams together as we enter the new PC ( Post Covid ) era .
Yes , some companies and industries are eschewing the office as we know it ( in no small part due to significant cost savings however they like to dress it up ), but the workplace in general is not going away , it ’ s just becoming different things to different people .
From redesigning workspaces to reimagining what purpose an office actually serves , we think you will find our deep dive Workplace Special essential reading .
Chief Content Officer BizClik Media Group scott . birch @ bizclikmedia . com
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