Business Chief US+CAN Magazine April 2021 | Page 32

Garrick Keatts is an IBM lifer , starting out at the firm straight from college as a supply chain consultant in the SAP practice . His work has taken him around the world in international markets ( visiting 60-70 different countries ), but always flying the flag for IBM and SAP ’ s unique partnership . He returned to the US to focus on SAP HANA before taking on the North America SAP practice leader role in May 2020 . “ I think what ' s interesting to me in that time period is what ' s changed and what hasn ' t . If I think back 16 years ago , so much of our work with our clients on the SAP front was about getting them transacting capability and allowing them to do that at scale with efficiency . Fast forward to today , so much of the priority with our clients is really more about insights and giving them a more granular level of insights at a quicker pace that they can use to make better business decisions . What hasn ' t changed is the fact it ' s still so much of our work is around giving our clients efficient transacting in platforms to drive their business and their growth

EXECUTIVE BIO market sustainable products will take on a new level of importance for organizations . Looking for ways to lower the carbon footprint , increase the profitability of products while having a positive impact on the environment will become front and center . IBM and SAP are working together to combine their solutions and expertise to respond to this market demand supported by IBM ’ s work on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development . This capability is what organizations and shareholders are looking for and as a consumer , that ' s also what I want . It ' s about organizations working with IBM Global Business Services and SAP to leverage the technology to facilitate the changes required by the environmental agenda .

Garrick Keatts took over from Schwartz at the top of America ' s SAP practice in 2020 . He thinks IBM ’ s SAP proposition is unique . “ When you look at IBM ' s core fundamental offerings of what we can do for clients to help guide them and what that journey

“ There ' s not a partner out there that has the offerings to do the strategy , work , the implementation , the run from an application and an infrastructure perspective ”