Business Chief US+CAN Magazine April 2021 | Page 45

“ The immediate priority for all digital leaders is to build a forward-thinking , adaptive culture that embraces innovation and experimentation ”

“ The immediate priority for all digital leaders is to build a forward-thinking , adaptive culture that embraces innovation and experimentation ”

JIM BUREAU CEO , JAGGAER full potential . The biggest barriers are a lack of alignment around a top down businessled technology roadmap , a lack of matching resources to priorities , and a failure to build capabilities , including agile working .”
Post-COVID-19 : the future for digital leaders “ In the early stages of the pandemic , the focus was on getting and implementing technology as fast as possible to address the immediate impacts . Now , the emphasis is shifting to ensuring the tools are being used in a way that drives long-term business value ,” says Bureau .
Many organisations believe that adoption is the biggest barrier to enterprise-wide implementation . “ This is often due to skills shortages and the fact those expected to use the tool don ’ t always have prior experience . In addition to providing robust training and support , look for solutions with strong user interfaces . User experience is more important than ever now that we ’ re operating in a remote working environment .”
With using technology strategically being at the heart of digital leadership , “ identifying areas in which you can invest further in automation . By eliminating routine and low value tasks , will provide teams with more capacity to focus on projects that require more intellectual thinking and drive higherlevel initiatives forward .
Looking ahead , “ digital leaders are asking how they keep this pace and momentum going . This pandemic has made digital even more relevant for businesses . They ’ ve had to undergo their own transformations overnight so that they can serve their customers through digital channels that might not have existed before COVID . Leaders have had to make hard and often high-stakes decisions fast to ensure their resilience , and as I ’ ve mentioned , digital , technology and data need to be at the centre of it all ,” concludes Zemmel .
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