Business Chief US+CAN Magazine December 2017 | Page 19

Mobile , Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom . By year ’ s end , Parker expects 40 operators to have launched mobile IoT services .
“ This is not just the preserve of large mobile operators ,” Parkers points out . “ A number of smaller telcos are partnering with larger corporations to increase their scale and many smaller , national operators are launching their own IoT operations .” Consumer-conscious To what extent is this upscaling of mobile IoT activity in response

“ In many people ’ s eyes , the Internet

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” et dellaborum ”

– Andrew Parker , GSMA ’ s
– Programme Name , Position Marketing Director for the Internet of Things

Andrew Parker

GSMA ’ s Programme Marketing Director for the Internet of Things
to changing and heightening demands of consumers ?
For Parker , the consumer space offers the opportunity for whole new business models and markets to emerge , and mobile operators are continuing to respond to consumer needs .
“ Mobile IoT responds to the fact that customers and consumers just want things to work ,” he explains . “ People expect to take something out of a box , turn it on and for it