Business Chief US+CAN Magazine December 2017 | Page 49

internally with engineering and procurement management to make sure that we ’ ve got a cohesive team working on all supply chain initiatives . Of course , we also have to continue collaborating with our suppliers , developing them and having them help us achieve what we want to achieve .”
Michigan is swimming with technological and engineering talent , fortunately for A123 , and the business has close relationships with higher education facilities to ensure a skilled pool of workers for years to come . With product development and supply chain evolution constantly improving and in flux , fresh eyes in and on the industry are vital . It is part of what enables A123 to stay nimble .
“ We have to be flexible to what ’ s going on in the market ,” says Zerbe . “ We ’ re a nimble and quick company because we ’ re fairly young , so we can react quickly to industry needs . What that means for us , from a supply chain point of view , is that we have to continue developing our team , working with our supplier base , and making sure those suppliers
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