‘ REUSABLE PALLETS ARE UP TO 20 % MORE COST- EFFECTIVE THAN NON-REUSABLE ALTERNATIVES ’ this way , hygiene and cleanliness are a huge selling point for our platform .”
“ Based on the nature of the materials that we ’ re using , it ’ s also fire retardant , which is a factor in the pallet space ,” adds deRoulhac .
With Dow as a key partner to RM2 , the company is able to operate at the cutting edge of material science to evolve the RM2 pallet and further enhance the customer ’ s experience . With full access to the Dow product portfolio and their continual assistance in RM2 ’ s R & D program , using cutting-edge composite research is redefining the global standard for logistics innovation .
The smart pallet The BLOCKPal pallet boasts a range of admirable qualities but perhaps its most impressive feat is that it is embedded with a RM2ELIoT , a wireless device that communicates to the Internet of Things , turning it into a smart pallet . Working closely with AT & T , the company has developed an Electronic Link to the Internet of Things ,
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