Business Chief US+CAN Magazine March 2016 | Page 3


Sasha Orman | Editor Sasha . Orman @ wdmgroup . com

“ A LEADERSHIP CULTURE is one where EVERYONE thinks like an owner , a CEO or a managing director . It ’ s one where everyone is entrepreneurial and proactive .”

~ Robin S . Sharma
ARE YOU TRULY LEADING your business into a more successful future ? Doing so means being confident enough to explore the latest in trends and technology ; it means being assured enough to abandon the status quo for a better path before the march of progress leaves you behind .
That ’ s the subject we ’ re exploring in this month ’ s Business Review North America — whether it ’ s keeping up with the changing parameters of your field , learning to think outside the box to capture the interest of your consumer audience , or finding the right venues to hone networking and your leadership skills . So read on and consider how you ’ re keeping pace with the modern world and leading your team boldly into the future .