Business Chief US+CAN Magazine March 2016 | Page 32


The Haile Gold Mine in Lancaster County , South Carolina is one of the first operating gold mines in the United States . First discovered nearly half a century before the California gold rush , the Carolina slate belt hosted the nation ’ s first major gold discoveries . Gold mines , including the Haile Gold Mine , have been operating there on and off for roughly 200 years .

As the only new gold mine east of the Mississippi , OceanaGold ’ s recent purchase of the historic mine indicates the resurrection of gold mining on the east coast is imminent--and with gold prices continuing to rise , the timing couldn ’ t be better .
Haile Gold Mine The history of Haile Gold Mine can be traced back to 1827 when first discovered by local resident Benjamin Haile . Legend has it that Franklin Roosevelt shut the mine down during World War II so that Americans could focus on warfare industries . Over the years the mine has gone through
Haile Gold Mine construction site
various ownerships , and in 2007 was acquired by exploration and development company , Romarco Minerals Inc .
Located approximately 58 miles northeast of Columbia , the Haile mine is estimated to contain at least two million ounces of economic gold reserves and almost five
32 March 2016