Analysys Mason predicts that by 2020 the identity management services market
Analysys Mason predicts that by 2020 the identity management services market
will be worth
$ 9.4 billion
Analysys Mason predicts that by 2020 the identity management services market will be worth $ 9.4 billion . This will in part be driven by requirements from Valley app companies to verify the identity of those using their services both in heavily regulated markets and more widely for their own business objectives . Many of these Internet companies will need to engage with traditional wireless infrastructure providers to enable these and other services to improve their customer journey .
International carrier services providers , such as BICS , have been engaging with these companies for some time : providing international capabilities , and enabling services which require more robust infrastructure than they already have access to .
MOVING COMMUNICATIONS INTO THE NEXT GENERATION The rapid growth of these Valley players would never have been possible without the significant investments made by carriers around the world in making the ‘ internet everywhere ’ dream a reality . Not only is domestic 3G and LTE available throughout the States ,
16 November 2016