Business Chief US+CAN Magazine November 2016 | Page 59

CONSTRUCTION plan all routes to move the required materials . Capicchioni adds : “ This allows them to put in place airlocks between the construction and nonconstruction zones to make sure that we have pressurisation to keep the dust and other contaminates from the construction site from getting into the occupied environment .”
A lean approach is implemented at the early stages in order to ensure positive , collaborative working relationships , with the undertaking of critical flow paths and processes to effectively reduce the impact on health services . A series of kaizen events and tristorming is undertaken in order to support the initial design stage . “ As we build the facility we typically build a few proto-type rooms in advance - which will

“ We are looking at all aspects , not only the type of care , integration of research , but also how operationally efficient it will be ”

actually be in their final location - and do a final test fit to make sure that everything all fits in place ”, Capicchioni explains . In completing these proto-types , the teams are able to confirm whether they have incorporated all patient needs , in addition to factoring in cost and logistics .
To support – Marco Capicchioni , Vice President , Facilities Planning , Design and Construction the teams and ensure they are updated at all times , a monthly newsletter is sent internally , in addition to alerts which are used to inform workers of any potential changes to access on site . Once a week , senior leaders are informed of any key issues regarding the pace of construction and any changes in timescales . Capicchioni acknowledged that not only is it important for
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