Business Chief US+CAN Magazine November 2016 | Page 81

CONSTRUCTION the breakthrough came when I had a call from Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner .” Cuban and Wagner founded Audionet in 2005 , which morphed small then . There was not as much bandwidth available as they needed : Yahoo ! and other businesses were growing very fast , doubling and tripling

“ We will never rest on our laurels , and will always be our own strongest critic ”

– Deepak Jain , CEO
into Broadcast . com three years later and was bought up by Yahoo ! in 1999 for $ 5.7 billion . “ We engineered their solution and supported them with our servers right up to the takeover .”
The relationship with Cuban and Wagner shifted AiNET into a space that did not exist at the time , but foreshadowed its growth into becoming one of the world ’ s foremost data center providers . “ We grew through IBM and GE and Lockheed Martin and other companies . We were getting huge requests from these large companies , yet the internet was very their requests to us every few months .”
He soon found he could no longer meet this demand simply by adding more servers . “ The company had grown on its IP services platform , but to do that well you must meet very specific structure and infrastructure requirements . The machines need to be running 24 / 7 . They need to have good power , good cooling , good physical security , and be robustly built . We were retrofitting existing buildings to make that happen .” Renting and managing space in third party data centers was a short term
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