Business Chief US+CAN Magazine October 2018 | Page 35

35 companies and branching out as the likes of Salesforce did , McClain puts SailPoint ’ s growth down to just the opposite . “ We wanted to tackle some of the largest , most complex organizations in the world because we had a belief that if we could get those folks hooked and bought into our products , we could leverage that down the market ,” he explains , adding that over time investors have certainly ‘ voted with their wallets ’. “ They ’ ve come into the stock and pushed the value up – the security market has certainly emerged as a very important submarket within IT .” As a final word of advice for any business , McClain says that a period of automation or migration to the cloud is the ideal time to examine security . “ Digital transformation is an opportunity and a reason to evaluate your current state of identity controls and governance and shore up your policies and processes to prepare for the future . If you just take those poor policies to the cloud , it ’ s going to explode and get worse .”
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