Business Chief US+CAN Magazine April 2017 | Page 12

WE HAVE MANY PROJECTS with many partners who recycle a lot themselves and have THE TECHNOLOGY TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABILITY
public and homecare products in North America ,” she says . “ We are actually commercializing it on some of our products , where we mention on the pack that it ’ s powered with wind electricity . It ’ s been quite a milestone because it ’ s the first time we ’ re explaining that wind power is part of our vision and we ’ re on track to meet that vision . We also have a new biomass factory in Albany that will be in operation later this year , and that will provide all the heat for our Bounty and Charmin paper needs , something that is very energy-intensive .”
What next ? So where can P & G possibly go from here ? According to Helias , the company is more committed than ever to its sustainable manufacturing and zero waste-to-landfill vision , and for the latter , it is more than halfway there .
“ It ’ s the holy grail ,” she says , “ and a big challenge for business . We have a pilot project in northern Italy and it ’ s the first time that it has been technically , logistically , and financially viable . That ’ s huge , and we ’ re very proud to have developed this business model . Water , too , is an issue we ’ re focused on , because people use it in the shower , when shaving , doing laundry , cleaning – hot water is always in use . The most important thing we can do as a company is reduce that , which is why we started working on cold water technology years ago . We ’ re always working on products that reduce the need for hot water and reduce our footprint .”
This vision is endless and incredibly admirable , and the last time Helias spoke to us for one of our sister magazines , Business Review Europe , she told the editor that her personal vision was for her role to be eliminated . Is that still the case ?
“ Absolutely ,” she replies with delight in her voice . “ When a business shows they can do something super exciting , and also work hard to reduce their footprint , then more and more businesses want to join in and eventually they won ’ t need me anymore . At that point I can happily retire .”

WE HAVE MANY PROJECTS with many partners who recycle a lot themselves and have THE TECHNOLOGY TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABILITY