32 correctly , bad things can happen .” SailPoint aims to solve the problem of ensuring only the right people have access .
In terms of compliance , SailPoint works not only to manage the ongoing maintenance of identity but also audit compliance validation of identity . GDPR is an example of where businesses , not just in the EU , need to remain compliant . “ If a customer says ‘ I want you to forget me ’, a core tenet of GDPR is that you have to know where that data is and who has access to it so you can turn it off … somewhat broader than security , GDPR is a board-level discussion and yet it ’ s really about identity ,” he adds .
Automating security and governance through SailPoint can also bring about significant cost savings . “ It ’ s not uncommon for a 50,000-person enterprise to have hundreds of people working on nothing but joiner / mover / leaver ,” says McClain , adding that through automation this repetitive and costly process is cut down .
Having started with larger organiza-